Isabella Ortiz

Iz Ortiz

Above: Untitled, Approx 2′ x 2′, Mixed media sculpture with candles, 2021

Left: Untitled, Print on layered fabric, 2021

Below: Details of work.

     I’m interested in the tactile quality of fiber and its intimate proximity to our lives in its use in comfort, concealment, and characterization. The way that it straddles the boundary between two- and three-dimensionality makes it a potent vehicle for my imagery which deals with compartmentalizing, often internally referencing ritual, power, cyclical grief, and the process of becoming conduits of ancestral trauma. In my work this year I have used layers of thin fabric and repeated meditative images in light ink to display with more detail in front of a light source, sometimes constant such as a lightbox or unstable such as flickering candles. It is my way of trying to bridge the gap between self-knowledge and self preservation; a secret that when illuminated gives a clearer understanding of these experiences, but has the potential to completely disappear on a whim.

Instagram: @7izortiz7