Haley Mounes

Haley Mounes

 Above: These Paintings are 69 Inches Wide and it was Totally Intentional, 52” x 69”, Acrylic on Canvas, 2020. 

Below:Sonic Object Project, Digital Unity WebGL Embed, 2020.

Left: That Bit at the Beginning of Half Life Where You Ride the Cute Little Train is My Favourite Part, Digital screenshot of Unity scene, 2020.

   The world of academic art has styles and concepts that have been built upon for hundreds of years, but in the worlds of computer science, art has often taken a backseat due to the fact that those who have the knowledge to create new technology rarely overlap with artists. As a result, for many years the tools needed to create art on platforms such as games, VR, and web-design have been inaccessible to laymen artists due to their sheer complexity. But as the focus of computer science has shifted in recent years from hardware advancements to software advancements, computer-based art that would have required vast knowledge of code twenty years ago has become accessible through  publicly made tools and manuals. With my work I hope to bring awareness of these tools into the world of fine-arts by blurring the line between art and science.

Instagram: @haleymounes

Website: https://haleymounes.com/

Itch.io Games: https://cakecadaver.itch.io/



All Unity Webgl embeds on this website are by Haley Mounes 😉